My Ping in

Monday, January 31, 2011

Color is my middle name

I have been on a color spree these past couple of days. I found this skirt at H&M a few weeks ago and was not quite sure if id try and wear it during the Winter months. I really like the pattern of the fabric and the hem of the skirt. The best part is that this skirt has pockets. I love clothing with pockets. They are so handy! I really liked what I saw at H&M this time around, they finally understand that people need a little color in their lives.

It is back to crazy frigid weather, today was -27 degrees Celsius! Ouch! I guess my anticipation for Spring to arrive is reflected int he way I am dressing lately.  I am so jealous of all these American bloggers with nice weather.

As for the rest of my outfit:

-Vintage 70s bright yellow banana collared shirt
-Zara Coal knit sweater
-Yellow pencil pendant from Etcetrix on etsy
-Orange skinny belt, H&M
-Blue polka dot skirt,H&M
-Grey tights
-Vintage white oxfords shoes
-Vintage 60s Bright orange leather satchel bag

Red was also strong....



Sunday, January 30, 2011

self portrait sunday - prepping for NYFW

I'm at the end of a cold so I just wasn't up to my regular self portrait photo so thought I would share what I was doing for much of the afternoon: which was trying to figure out Style Defined's NYFW. For the first time I'm having additional help on site. I've hired 3 amazing girls, Lauren Baluyo, Lizzy Oppenheimer and Elyssa Goodman who will all be covering shows and parties and shooting the great outfits we see throughout the week. (I kind of feel like it's my own Charlie's Angels when I re-read that! LOL) Anyways I'm still waiting to hear back about some shows I've requested but I'm also really excited about some invites I've already received including: Katie Gallagher, the Blonds, Nicole Miller, Daryl K, Jeremy Scott and several Project Runway alumns. Also some designers I don't know much about but like their collections like Jonathan Cohen and Jen it's trying to figure out who I should send where and when and the after party information hasn't even begun...okay, deep breath....

YeYe! Vintage Boutique Etsy Spring preview

Here is just a sneak peek of what is to come to the YeYe! Vintage Boutique this week, pretty Spring items and nice denim basics. I am selling this amazing pair of 70s Levis 646 high waisted bell bottoms too! 


Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Burst Of Color

I went searching in the back of my closet today and found this dress I totally forgot I had. I originally bought it on ebay a few years ago from Mousevox Vintage. I lost the little tasells in the wash unfortunatly :(

I was also wearing a vintage Bright Orange Coat, Vintage black leather boots, Pin Pals bow pin, Golden cage pendant from New York and H&M tights.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Review of the passing season: London still Graige...

As I thing about spring I'm reflecting on the passing season... I have enjoyed the smokey colors of the season now passing and I wonder how this sensibility will evolve into the coming spring and summer... Meanwhile, a visiting Parisian grabbing a brake between meetings...

Color me Beige

Beige. Tan. Camel. Whatever you call it this color has been all over the runway these past few seasons. I really like it on blondes because it kind of matches the hair and it's oddly cool /weird. –as long as you're wearing enough make up to not look washed out!

TUTORIAL-- Clean-Finished No Bulk Facing (Shown on the Negroni Shirt)

Here's a "Custom Turn" on a technique many of you may already use to finish the outside edge of a facing. In this short tutorial I am demonstrating this method on the front facing of the Negroni Camp Shirt Pattern.

^ STEP 1 ^
The photo above shows the facing pattern cut out as usual on the CF edge (to the right), BUT cut about 1/8" wider on the curved outer edge (the edge my scissors are "pointing" to).

 ^ STEPS 2 & 3 ^
Next cut out your interfacing using THE CUT OUT FABRIC FACING PIECE for the INTERFACING "PATTERN" (I am using one of my custom-milled interfacings, Pro-Sheer Elegance Fusible Interfacing available exclusively at Fashion Sewing Supply). 
Then, place the Interfacing and Fabric Facing piece RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER (the fusible side of the interfacing will be "up"), and stitch them together with an 1/8" seam along the curved edge. If you click the photo above to enlarge it, this stitching is more visible.

^ STEP 4 ^
Now, open up (separate the 2 layers), and move the piece to your pressing surface.

 ^ STEP 5 ^
At your pressing surface, turn the interfacing to the wrong side, WRAPPING the interfacing OVER and AROUND THE NARROW SEAM, enclosing the seam allowances. Now fuse the interfacing according to the instructions.  Please note--The interfacing will not reach the long straight CF edge of the facing..and this is a good added bulk in that seam when it is later sewn !

The photo above shows the completed "Clean Finish" of this facing.  
Usually when the basic method of this technique is used, the allowances of that little seam are completely turned to the wrong side, then the interfacing is fused to hold them down. However, when the seam-allowances are WRAPPED by the interfacing, they are not only clean finished, but thin and bulk-free. And the added bonus is that when the shirt is completely sewn, it will look like flat piping has been sewn to the facing edge. This is such a nice custom look without the bulk that would transfer to the right side as a wrinkle/ridge every time the shirt is pressed !

CHANNELING: "The Spirit of the Times"....

If you've seen the new Alexander McQueen collection you might agree with the zeitgeist reference in the title of this post...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

More furociousness

I love the simplicity of black and white here and how she belted the vest to avoid looking so boxy. Well done!

Spring is in the air...

Here is a sneak peek at what is to come from YeYe! this Spring. I am making pretty pastel eyelet collars to go along with your pretty crochet dresses and tops or anything else without a collar. I will be making them in two colors, cream and pastel turquoise. 

I will also be collaborating with Plaid magazine on some Spring plaid collars in vintage fabrics in limited editions. These should be available in about a month or sooner.

I will be updating the shop in the next few weeks with the new Eyelet collars, these are so pretty and feminine and light it is like you are wearing a cloud around your neck.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spitalfields Market, LDN


I love how the red and green complementing each other, in this...

Red Lips on a Boy

So we're shifting from red pants to red lips. I actually love the red and black accents....and the shine on the bag.

Home Bound

It was one of those cold Winter days today. Maybe a little less cold but I guess we are getting more nasty -30 degree weather.Ive been stuck indoors for weeks! ack! 
Yesterday I went fabric shopping for new Spring fabrics for a new line of collars. I will collaborating with Plaid Magazine Online within the month and I am pretty excited!
I can't wait to share my new photos of my new Spring collars.

I was wearing today:

- Vintage Yellow Cardigan with floral embroidery 
- Vintage Girl Guide Pen pendant from Etcetrix on etsy
-Vintage Polka Dot skirt
-Forever 21 tights and Shoes


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